
Water, which exists below the surface in the zone of saturation and can be extracted through wells or any other means or emerges as springs and base flows in streams and rivers. Groundwater flows and stored in geological formation capable of storing and transmitting ground water is known as aquifer which have sufficient yield to extract groundwater.

What Is Piezometer and RTDAS?

Piezometer is a bore well/tube well used only for measuring the water level/piezometric head of an aquifer and to take water sample periodically but not used for groundwater abstraction. Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS) installed for automatic water level / water quality data of the monitoring system at desired interval and data transmit to defined portal.

What can Piezometer do?

  • It is a monitoring station of water level / static head and water quality of an aquifer
  • Piezometer network provides seasonal fluctuation of water level and water quality of the defined area.
  • Provide data for groundwater flow, estimation and availability for the defined area.

Benefits after piezometer construction under NHP

  • Sites for piezometer has been identified as per data gap of groundwater in coordination of Implementing agencies and Central Ground Water Board to enhance the data network for more precise estimation and predication of groundwater resources.

Piezometer constructed under NHP

Sl No. States / Agency Total Proposed PZ Awarded No. of PZ PZ constructed from awarded
1. Andhra Pradesh (GW) 431 431 431
2. Chhattisgarh 97 97 97
3. Himachal Pradesh 56 56 56
4. Nagaland 3 3 3
5. Puducherry 5 5 5
6. Tripura 8 8 8
7. UP (GW) 460 460 460
8. CGWB 60 60 60
9. NIH (PDS) 12 12 12
10. CWPRS (PDS) 1 1 1
11. Manipur 7 7 7
12. Meghalaya 18 18 18
13. West Bengal GW 236 236 236
14. Maharashtra GW 15 15 15
15. Delhi 115 115 115
16. Uttarakhand 66 66 66
17. Jharkhand 117 117 113
18. Odisha 447 447 447
19. Mizoram 20 20 18
20. Punjab 470 470 459
21. Rajasthan 713 713 383
22. Gujarat 311 311 208
23. Haryana 270 270 110
24. Telangana GW 758 758 711
25. Kerala (GW) 504 504 383
26. Tamil Nadu 374 74 74
TOTAL 5574 5274 4447

What can RTDAS do?

  • Measure water level and water quality parameter automatically at the station at desired interval
  • Transmit measured data to the defined portal at desired interval

Benefits after RTDAS installed on piezometers under NHP

  • Remote monitoring on of groundwater real time basis.
  • Provide high frequency data at desired interval for trend analysis for decision making
  • Minimal Human Intervention.

RTDAS installation under NHP

Sl No. STATE/IA Total Proposed DWLR Awarded Installed from Awarded Installed from Awarded
1. Andhra Pradesh (GW) 431 431 431 431
2. CGWB 5260 5260 2611 1005
3. Chhattisgarh 190 190 134 118
4. Delhi 115 115 90 0
5. Goa 60 60 60 52
6. Gujarat 1851 1851 1393 1297
7. Haryana 345 345 145 145
8. Himachal Pradesh 131 131 104 87
9. Jharkhand 117 117 94 89
10. Karnataka 800 800 800 756
11. Kerala (GW) 150 150 150 121
12. Madhya Pradesh 357 357 357 357
13. Maharashtra GW 351 351 336 336
14. Manipur 10 10 10 4
15. Meghalaya 18 18 18 17
16. Mizoram 20 20 10 10
17. Nagaland 3 3 3 3
18. Odisha 1086 1086 648 584
19. Puducherry 8 8 8 0
20. Punjab 1014 1014 1003 706
21. Rajasthan 150 150 150 150
22. Tamil Nadu 846 846 386 369
23. Telangana GW 935 935 650 627
24. Tripura 8 8 8 0
24. UP (GW) 1266 1266 1266 991
25. Uttarakhand 66 66 59 47
26. West Bengal GW 693 693 693 513
TOTAL 16281 16281 11617 8734