Studies for Water Resources Management

What is the studies under NHP?

Studies in water resource management refer to the systematic examination, analysis, and research conducted to understand and address various aspects of water security and sustainable management of water resources. Studies under NHP involve gathering data, conducting investigations, and applying scientific methodologies to analyze these data to gain insights into water availability, water quality, allocation of water, utilization and benefits obtained water and ensure its long term availability.

What can study do?

Studies play a significant role in understanding and addressing complex challenges related to water resources management. Studies used in water resources management can be beneficial in terms of

  • Assessing water availability and demand: Studies can determine the quantity of available water resources and assess the current and future water demands from different sectors, including domestic, agricultural, industrial, and environmental needs.
  • Understanding hydrological processes: Studies investigate rainfall patterns, evaporation, runoff, infiltration, groundwater recharge, and other processes that affect water availability.
  • Evaluating water quality: Studies examine the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water bodies to assess their suitability for various uses, such as drinking water, irrigation, and aquatic ecosystems. Water quality studies identify pollutants, sources of contamination, and potential risks to human health and the environment.
  • Developing water management strategies: Studies in water resource management contribute to the development of effective and sustainable water management strategies such as implementation of policies, regulations, and practices that promote efficient water use, equitable distribution, and conservation of water resources.
  • Investigating the impacts of human activities: These studies analyze the impacts of human activities such effects of land use changes, water abstractions, pollution, and climate change on water availability and quality.
  • Assessing ecosystem services: Studies ensures the environmental flow availability for biodiversity.
  • Modeling and scenario analysis: Studies in water resource management often employ modeling techniques to simulate and predict the behavior of water systems under different scenarios. Models help in understanding complex interactions, assessing the impacts of management interventions, and optimizing water allocation strategies.
  • Climate change adaptation: With the increasing impacts of climate change on water resources, studies in water resources management play a crucial role in understanding and adapting to these changes. Analysis helps in identify the vulnerabilities of water systems to climate change and develops strategies to enhance resilience, such as implementing adaptive water management practices, developing early warning systems, and planning for extreme weather events.
  • Benchmarking of Irrigation projects: Studies helps in evaluating an ongoing irrigation scheme in terms of the service, financial and other aspects, against few performance indicators in comparison with other similar schemes.

Purpose-Driven Study implemented in NHP:

Technical studies under NHP include various topics like Ground water monitoring and measurement, aquifer management, analysis of river morphology, comprehensive planning against riverbank erosion, flood mitigation, Irrigation bench marking, water availability and water accounting studies, coastal studies, and more. Total 56 nos studies has been initiated under NHP. The various technical studies taken under NHP are as follows

Sl No. Agency Name Activity Name SW/GW Sub-Category Outcome /benefit
1. Bihar SW Consultancy for SW assessment & water balance studies in Mahananda and Kiul-Harohar Basin Surface Water Water Resource Management To Help decision makers in planning and management of water resource in Kiul Harohar and Mahananda basin in consideration of existing as well as futuristic water resource development
2. CWC Study of the issue of flood and siltation in river ganga and its tributaries due to Farakka Barrage in the state of Bihar Surface Water Flood Mitigation The study will assess how much area of Ganga and it’s tributaries are affected by siltation on account of Farakka barrage. The study will also assess the extent of impact of back water due to Farakka barrage and its role in flooding due to extreme flood event.
3. CWC Study of the issue of flood and siltation in river ganga and its tributaries due to Farakka Barrage in the state of Bihar Surface Water Coastal Studies Finding out erosion hotspot through site visit & stakeholder consultation to prepare a shoreline management plan for preventing coastal erosion.
4. Kerala SW Consultancy for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Rejuvenation of 5 rivers namely Meenachil, Periyar, Pamba, Kallayi and Valapattanam Surface Water Water Resource Management Preparation of DPR for treatment & regulation of pollutants of 5 rivers of Kerala will leads to better water security.
5. Meghalaya Consultancy services for flood plain zoning. Surface Water Flood Mitigation Flood plain inundation mapping to ensure effective flood management and control of flood damage
6. NIH Rainfall Run off modelling in selected basins of Rajasthan Surface Water Water Resource Management Modelling approach to benefit the state for designing future water resource projects, irrigation planning, and meeting other demands when there is a very limited observed long term runoff data.
7. Andhra Pradesh GW Comprehensive Water Audit and maintenance in Andhra Pradesh - Sub basin approach- a In house Study Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management To Assess the surplus/deficit status of Water for the basin/ sub basin for the preparation and implementation of various water conservation / management activities in a basin/ sub basin.
8. Andhra Pradesh GW Conducting well performance test in each GEC Basin Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Estimating the aquifer parameters to improve groundwater management in Basin
9. Andhra Pradesh GW Hydrological assessment of Ungauged catchments Surface Water Water Resource Management Assessment of available water for better water management, including planning for flood mitigation
10. Andhra Pradesh SW Study on River Morphology and erosion patterns at confluence of sea for Vamsadhara and Nagavali Rivers Surface Water River morphological studies Holistic planning and design of flood protection works
11. Assam Preparation of Feasibility Study Report on Measures for Flood Mitigation and Control of Riverbank Erosion/Shifting of River Course of Jia Bharali, Assam Surface Water River morphological studies Comprehensive planning for river bank erosion management. Similar study can be repeated in other small basins
12. Bihar SW Estimating Revised Design Flood, Conducting River Cross-Section Survey in River Chandan and carrying out Dam Break Analysis for Chandan Dam including preparation of Emergency Action Plan Surface Water Flood Mitigation Precise Cross-section with Embankment Profile of Chandan River will be available for Modelling and Embankment Asset Management System for planning and Monitoring. Dam Break Analysis Chandan Reservoir will provide the Emergency Action Plan to save flood death
13. Goa Study of river/coastal zone interaction, erosion problems due to changing river flows, etc.._IRS & SMP Surface Water Coastal Studies
  • To ensure the development activities in the coastal area does not contribute to or aggravate erosion.
  • To ensure that development activities do not occur in sensitive areas
  • To ensure that erosion control techniques are cost-effective and socially and environmentally acceptable
14. Goa Preparation of Ground Water Management Plan for the State of Goa Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Improve sustainability of water for all sector through developing DSS and check sea water intrusion in costal zone and other pollutions.
15. Himachal Pradesh Consultancy services support for Surface and Ground Water Data Processing including Data Validation, Data Analysis, Rainfall runoff analysis, Water Budgeting, River Basin, Assessment, Developing stage discharge relationship/curves etc. of various stations established under NHP at State Awarded Date Centre, Mandi Surface Water Water Resource Management The study is to support client organisation in compiling, validation and analysis of hydrological data including water quality data for its meaningful utilization
16. Karnataka Water resources assessment of west flowing rivers Surface Water Water Resource Management Assessment of surface water potential of the west flowing basins for water security under current and future climatic conditions
17. Kerala GW Inventory of GW abstraction structures-Well census(in 14 districts) Ground Water Ground Water Census Enhance accuracy of GW estimation to cope up with drought; implementation of state GW act for better management of groundwater resource
18. Madhya Pradesh Groundwater Modelling for Maleni watershed of Chambal river basin in Ratlam District, Madhya Pradesh-A joint study by Water Resources Department ,MP and NIH Bhopal. Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Measures for sustainable management of groundwater resources in the basin.
19. Maharashtra GW (A) Identification of causes for water level declination nearby coal mine area of Nagpur Region Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Recycling and reuse of mine water in agriculture and artificial recharge to strengthen the water supply source
20. Maharashtra GW (B) Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters in Different Geological Formation Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Improved GW assessment and management
21. Maharashtra GW (C) Conjucative use of surface and ground water for artificial recharge in over exploited area of Chauras in Bhandara District Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Augmentation of water table for both phreatic and deeper aquifers will ensure water security
22. Maharashtra SW Study for irrigation benchmarking, irrigation system efficiency & water use efficiency and irrigation management in Pench Project Surface Water Irrigation Management Better irrigation management to improve water use efficiency
23. Manipur Preparation of Feasibility Study Report to alleviate flooding in Imphal City arising out of Drainage Congestion Surface Water Flood Mitigation By the implementation of the study, a mitigation plan for the urban flooding in Imphal town can be Developed.The flood situation in Imphal town can be prevented.
24. Manipur Preparation of feasibility study for irrigation development project in water scarce Thoyee, Ukhrul District, Manipur Surface Water Irrigation Management Irrigation facility to be developed in order to meet the irrigation demand for the area near Lamlai/Thoyee which will facilitate socio-economic development of the region and to ensure food security to the people.
25. Meghalaya Sand mining study in East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya Surface Water Water Quality Studies - SW & GW Maintaining the water quality of river for water supply scheme
26. Meghalaya Benchmarking of Minor Irrigation Projects Surface Water Irrigation Management Improved irrigation efficiency of the Medium Irrigation Projects s in the state& Better life due to improvement in livelihood of the farmers as agriculture is the mainstay of the local population
27. Meghalaya Consultancy Services for the study of river morphology in Dudhnoi-Krishnai Catchment to suggest Sustainable Protection Measures for River Bank Erosion Surface Water River morphological studies Identify effective measures to resolve the issues such as river bank erosion near cities/ towns/ villages, so that to the loss of valuable cultivable land, habitations and resources across study area can be prevented
28. Mizoram Sediment Study & Management of erosion in Mengpui & others Surface Water Water Quality Studies - SW & GW Understanding of impacts of jhum system of cultivation on sedimentation and its associated impacts on water resource, prevent erosion and saving aquatic life
29. Mizoram Ground water investigation for irrigation development Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Enabling the state to ensure sustainable use of groundwater for domestic, agriculture, industrial etc.Formulation of regulation for safe yield from the aquifer and monitoring its extraction.
30. Nagaland Benchmarking of minor irrigation projects implemented in the State Ground Water Irrigation Management Profit from agricultural production can be increased due to increase in cropped area or multiple cropping/ change of crops, Through Benchmarking study.
31. Nagaland Alleviating Waterlogging problem in critical areas of Dimapur Ground Water Flood Mitigation Water Logging in the study area is mitigated to the maximum possible extent and future flight delays and cancellation could be avoided.
32. NIH River Basin Planning & Reservoir Operation in Teesta Basin in Sikkim- Ground Water Water Resource Management Water availability at various location based on demand will be found out, future scenarios will be created to understand the water availability as well as future energy potential for hydroelectric projects.
33. NIH Development of Water Accounts for the selected sub-basins of Brahmaputra, Barak and Irrawaddy-Chindwin basins in the state of Nagaland using Water Accounting Plus (WA+) Framework Ground Water Water Resource Management Useful base data is generated to help development of proper water management strategies and decision processes in the state of Nagaland. Capacity enhancement of the WRD engineer through this study.
34. NIH Development of Water Accounts for different Sub-basins of Brahmaputra and Barak River Basins in the state of Meghalaya Using Water Accounting Plus (WA+) Framework Ground Water Water Resource Management Water productivity and Land productivity maps to be developed will help the decision makers as well as farmers as an established bench marks for evaluation the performance of the irrigation Projects
35. NIH Long term hydrological assessment for the development of water security plan in the Mizoram State, India Surface Water Water Resource Management Guidelines and schema of water security plan, with particular reference to identified locations with significant demand. Also take care the future demands
36. NIH Dam break studies of Kandaleru and Pulichintala dams in Andhra Pradesh State_ Surface Water Flood Mitigation Flood warning at different locations downstream of dam due to breach of dam. Flood inundation map showing flood water levels at different locations will help in flood damage
37. NIH Groundwater Model development in micro basin of Hard rock in Krishna and Godavari River Basins of Telangana_ Surface Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Action plan for sustainable development of groundwater resources with the hydro-geological setup of the region
38. NIH Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Narmada basin through Hydrological Modelling Approaches_ Surface Water Water Resource Management Comprehensive assessments of the climate change impacts in the river basin with appropriate adaptation strategies useful to decision makers
39. NIH Integrated Reservoir Operation Study for Mahanadi Reservoir Project Complex in Chhattisgarh_ Surface Water Water Resource Management Comprehensive assessments of the climate change impacts in the river basin with appropriate adaptation strategies useful to decision makers
40. NIH Integrated Management of Water Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi Surface Water Water Resource Management Water management under future scenario of changing climate and suitable adaptation measures useful to decision makers
41. NIH Comprehensive assessment of WR availability, use and issues; planning oriented Surface Water Water Resource Management Comprehensive water resources availability for Goa state and water resources information system & impact of climate change on water resources availability will help in preparation of Action plan for Sustainable management of surface water resources
42. Odisha Modelling of urban flooding in Sambalpur town & its mitigation measures Surface Water Flood Mitigation By the implementation of the study, a mitigation plan for the urban flooding in sambalpur town can be Developed.
43. Puducherry A study on Sea water intrusion in aquifer system in the Union Territory of Puducherry, Surface Water Coastal Studies Check the sea water intrusion and improve freshwater availability
44. Puducherry Improvement of groundwater potential in the deep-seated cretaceous aquifer and its impact assessment study. Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Assessment and improvement of aquifer potential to enhance water availability
45. Telangana GW Comprehensive Assessment of Groundwater Resources for management in upcoming smart city, Warangal Town ( In House) Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Strengthening the existing storm water drainage network; identification of the ground water contamination zones, identification of possible ground water development zone for water supplies
46. Telangana GW Impact of sand mining on Groundwater in parts of Manjira River Basin ( In House with partnership of NRSC) Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management The delineation of saturated sand beds and aquifer geometry for identification of sites for construction of infiltration wells for water supply; and also to help authorities in sanction of mining leases
47. Tripura Irrigation benchmarking studies Surface Water Irrigation Management Improved irrigation efficiency of the medium irrigation projects in the North East, leading to increased agricultural production Better life due to improvement in livelihood of the farmers, as agriculture is the mainstay of the local population Empowered departmental officers and staff to carry out irrigation benchmarking exercises as a regular activity on their own and train others to follow
48. Uttar Pradesh GW Consultancy services for Study of Ground Water; quality, dynamics with special reference to Arsenic toxicity in Ground Water regime in and around Ghaghara Basin. Ground Water Water Quality Studies - SW & GW Improved irrigation efficiency of the medium irrigation projects in the North East, leading to increased agricultural production Better life due to improvement in livelihood of the farmers, as agriculture is the mainstay of the local population Empowered departmental officers and staff to carry out irrigation benchmarking exercises as a regular activity on their own and train others to follow
49. Uttar Pradesh GW Consultancy for micro level GW estimation (Pilot) in two macro basin of different hydro geologically scenario alongwith validation of various norms including development of dedicated software with operation and maintenance. Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management The present study will provide the help in applying the actual norms estimated in field by experiment in place of recommended norms for Ground Water recharge and draft assessment where adequate field data is not available.
50. Uttar Pradesh GW Optimisation of ground water monitoring network in reference to different hydrogeological formation and different level of extraction of ground water including determination of Studies to be dropped uced level of sample set of locations in 08 river basin of Uttar Pradesh. Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Improved groundwater level monitoring network for the entire state of Uttar Pradesh& generated data to supports ground water management decisions.
51. Uttar Pradesh GW Estimation of primary parameters (Aquifer parameters & factors) for recharge and draft of groundwater in project area for Consultancy study on micro level GW estimation ( Pilot ) in two macro basin of different hydro geologically scenario Ground Water Aquifer Management Plan Help the Improved management decision for GW extraction
52. Uttarakhand Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Khairna Barrage Drinking Water Project, Nainital, Uttarakhand Under National Hydrology Project (NHP) Surface Water Water Resource Management To prepare DPR for drinking water project and execution of the project to ensure the water security.
53. Uttarakhand Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Talghati Drinking Water & Water Body Creation Project, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand under National Hydrology Project (NHP) Surface Water Water Resource Management To prepare DPR for drinking water project and execution of the project to ensure the water security.
54. West Bengal GW Integration of digital augmentation for sustainable Agroecosystem in western lateritic Zone Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Two mobile apps are developed through which Stakeholders to be capacitated on the digital augmentation towards optimal use of water resources in agricultural sector in the Western Laterite Zone.
55. West Bengal GW Community managed water resource monitoring system for surface schemes Ground Water Ground Water Monitoring & Management Synchronization of field data with SWID system, increase in water productivity, Increase in women participation in WUA functioning and self-reliant WUA and reduction in extracting ground water.
56. West Bengal SW Preparation of Flood atlases and Consultancy for Water Availability in A) Bankura, Purulia & Jhargram Districts Surface Water Water Resource Management Study to find out surface water availability present and future , demand present and future and sustainable GW yield and potential will enhance improve decision making.