B.Water Resource Information System


Component B will support strengthening of National and sub-national water information centers with web-enabled water resources information systems through standardization of databases and products from various data sources/departments; and make comprehensive, timely and integrated water resources information available to decision makers for effective planning, decision taking and operations. The sources of data/information will include the real time data acquisition networks and centers under Component A, remote sensing data, topographical maps and knowledge products developed under Component C.

Strengthening of India Water Resources Information System (WRIS)

The sub-national level WRIS will be introduced at state/UTs and river basin levels. Building on protocols developed by central agencies, information sharing amongst agencies will be facilitated through MoUs that will specify which information can be publicly shared. The knowledge portals will provide easy access, facilitate training, support social media networking, and help users visualize complex information. Public access will be facilitated by a mobile-based app, and disaster-related information may also be rapidly disseminated through mobile services. Support will be provided for secure within-government portals that internally share operational water resources information at national and state level.

State Water Resources Information System

In addition to real time data acquisition systems, some reservoirs, canal and groundwater operation systems will be equipped with the remote control systems (SCADA) that will allow the control of gates and operation from a control room or other remote areas and, hence, allow system responses on a real time basis during floods or any other emergency. This will require measurement of water levels in reservoirs and off-takes (spillways and canals).

Implementation Guidance

Implementation Support

Technical task/Role Agency
Lead implementation agencies NWIC
Standard D-base management systems CWC + CGWB + CPCB
IndiaWRIS standards and protocols (B2) NWIC, CWC, NRSC
Mapping services and DEM SoI
Real time remote sensing applications NRSC
Data sharing protocols and monitoring (B2) NPMU
Development of India-WRIS NWIC
Support to states to develop sub-systems NWIC and NRSC
Development of SWRIS State agencies to collaborate with competent agencies in the state
Collaborate with other state departments State agencies