Modeller Profile



Director, NHP, BBMB Chandigarh

Areas of Interest :

Affiliation :

Social Profile
Training Profile
S No Agency Hosted Training Type Sub Category Event Name Event Venue Event Days
1 NIH National SW Modelling Training Program on introduction to HEC based modeling solution NIH, Roorkee 6
2 DOWR National River Basin Planning & Management Course on River Basin Planning using HEC - RAS software under NHP Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee 6
3 DOWR National River Basin Planning & Management Course on River Basin Planning using HEC - RAS software under NHP Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee 6
4 DOWR National River Basin Planning & Management Advanced Training on River Basin Planning using Riverware Software Jaipur, Rajasthan 5
5 DOWR International SW Modelling International Training on RiverWare - Advanced River System Modeling at Colorado, USA CADSWES, 1777 Exposition Dr., Suite 113, Boulder, Colorado USA 12
6 DOWR National Procurement One day session by NPMU to discuss issues related to Procurement, Contract Management, Financial aspects and MIS. Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi 1
7 NWA National Hydromet Instrument Training on ArcHydro and advanced WRM applications (participants should have mandatory working knowledge of any of the GIS software) NWA, Pune 5
Work Profile
S No Model Type Modelling Tools State Basin Sub Basin Area Covered (In Sqkm) Developed By
1 Flood forecasting HEC RTS Himachal Pradesh,Punjab Indus (Up to border) Basin Beas,Sutlaj Lower,Sutlaj Upper 67000 In-house
2 Flood forecasting HEC HMS Himachal Pradesh,Punjab Indus (Up to border) Basin Beas,Sutlaj Lower,Sutlaj Upper 67000 In-house
3 Flood forecasting HEC RAS 1D Himachal Pradesh,Punjab Indus (Up to border) Basin Beas,Sutlaj Lower,Sutlaj Upper 67000 In-house
4 Flood forecasting HEC RAS 2D Himachal Pradesh,Punjab Indus (Up to border) Basin Beas,Sutlaj Lower,Sutlaj Upper 67000 In-house
5 Flood forecasting MODSIM Himachal Pradesh,Punjab Indus (Up to border) Basin Beas,Sutlaj Lower,Sutlaj Upper 67000 In-house