An International Workshop cum Exhibition on “Automation & Emerging Skill Requirements for Efficient Water Resources Management” was organised by IASC under Skill India on 29th August, 2019 at New Delhi....
A 5-day Training of Trainers program on “Water Budgeting Tool for River Basins using Google Earth Engine (GEE) Applications" was organized by NIH at Roorkee in association with the World Bank and ...
The National Water Academy (NWA), Pune organized the ongoing Basic Hydrologic Sciences course for the Asian Region (2019) in association with the World Meteorological Organization and...
NHP continues to conduct technical audits of hydromet stations to assess the performance of monitoring sites. The linking of existing groundwater stations of Implementing Agencies to India-WRIS is in progress....
The 6th R&D Session on Purpose Driven Studies was held during 8-9 August, 2019 at NIH, Roorkee. A total of 12 PDS proposals (new and revised) were presented by the Principal Investigators...
A four week tailor-made training course on Applied Groundwater Modelling was organised at UNESCO-IHE, Delft in the Netherlands from 8th July to 2nd August 2019...
Previous versions of the project dashboard on the NHP website have been modified and a drilldown facility has been introduced for better monitoring and control of project information...
The website for the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Management was launched. All matters related to the event like registration, submission of abstracts...
The PIP revision for the Mid-Term Review is underway. Provisions have been made in the MIS to accommodate the Post Mid-Term Review adjustments in the PIP module ...
The NHP team is implementing an online Procurement Tracker for monitoring the procurement process. A new module has been developed and is being rolled out by the IT team...
Tripura has initiated a tender for the refurbishment and maintenance of its temporary office under operational expenses of NHP. Procurement packages for ADCP ...