State Ground Water Department, Kerala and National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, jointly organised a training programme under National Hydrology
Project on “Ground Water Flow Modelling using MODFLOW” for the officers in the Water Resources Department of Southern States (Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
Pondicherry, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Goa) from 14th to 18th January 2019 at IIITM-K Techno park, Thiruvananthapuram. Dr.Vishwas
Mehta IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources Department, Government of Kerala, inaugurated the training programme. Shri J .Justin Mohan,
Director Ground Water Department, Kerala, presided over the function. 35 Scientists and Engineers from the Water Resource department of southern
states attended the training programme.
The participants and the faculties appreciated such hands on training on the MODFLOW software and expressed need of such trainings in future. A short
field visit was also made to a nearby watershed. Valedictory session was conducted on 18th January 2019. Dr N.C Ghosh from National Institute of
Hydrology presided over the function Dr.Surgeet Singh. Dr Sruthy, Sri Rajaneesh Goyal from NIH and Sri Sabu K Damodar Nodal Officer Kerala GW ,
Sri .C. T Rajesh Superintending Engineer, Sri Sajeev Kumar, Senior Finance Officer ,Sri Shajatnan Executive Engineer -H, Sri Abul Kalam Account
Officer , Sri Gopakumar and other senior officers of Groundwater Department, Kerala attended the session and distributed certificates to the participants.