Presentation on “Near Real time satellite derived AET product generation under National Hydrology Project (NHP)” was presented on 24.04.2020 by Ms. Nidhi Mishra, under webinar lecture series presented by National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) Hyderabad. Presentation covered all details regarding near real time daily Actual evapotranspiration (AET) product generation under NHP. As it is not possible to estimate regional AET estimation from field instrumentations, the remote sensing based AET measurements can provide solution of this problem. Till date no near real time daily AET product is available over Indian region based on remote sensing data. To overcome this, technique implemented by NRSC was presented based on surface energy balance approach for near real time daily AET product generation over Indian region. Details regarding product generation, product validation plans and product dissemination to the NRSC-NHP portal were presented during the lecture. Details on AET applications related smart services in water resources and agricultural sectors were also discussed in the lecture.
Webinar on "Hydrological Modeling and Reservoir Inflow Forecast", was presented on 27 April 2020 by Mr. Saksham Joshi. The presentation on hydrological modeling and reservoir inflow forecast was made to entire NHP community where various stake holders under NHP participated. Presentation highlighted Hydrological modeling and its importance; followed by overview of project “Operational National level hydrological Modeling System” taken up under NHP with the following specific objectives (1) To compute daily water balance components for entire India and (2) To setup a comprehensive soil moisture field experimentation setup across country to validate model computed soil moisture. Daily model computed and various value added products like WBC’s, Climate Indices (SRI, SPI, PASM), forecast surface runoff, Irrigation Requirement Estimation were showcased. With the in gest of forecast meteorological data, model computed forecast surface run off were routed through the stream network to forecast inflows into the 92 major reservoirs of India. Its limitations and further steps taken up to account for upstream abstractions were presented. On-going collaboration with Andhra Pradesh water resources department were presented where customized VIC model framework was prepared at 2.2km grid level with the use of high density AWS data and year specific LULC information to compute soil moisture stress and water budgeting.
The accuracy of hydrological modeling depends on the definition of land cover, soil information and topography and other management practices within the hydrologic unit. In this respect the cooperation of state and central water agencies plays a crucial role where local high density data will be useful in setting up of customised hydrological model setup. At the end, sharing of datasets and possible collaboration with other state agencies were discussed.
Webinar on "Water Bodies Mapping and Monitoring, Applications and WBIS", was presented on 28 April 2020 by Mr. Bharath K Reddy. It mainly discussed on the interaction of water with electro-magnetic radiation and how this characteristic behaviour can be used in extraction of water related information from satellite images. It was also discussed on how microwave remote sensing can be helpful in overcoming the cloud and haze effects when monitoring earth surface. Few examples of water bodies belonging to optical and microwave sensors were shown to the users. Indices and threshold based techniques were explained to user for extraction of water spread area. Various applications where surface water spread information can be used were described. Reservoir capacity loss estimation and fisheries applications were explained to the users in detail. Water Bodies Information System was introduced to the users by explaining the information available and other technical details of sensors used. A short demo was shown to the users how to use Water Bodies Information System.
Mr. K Kalyan Deep from Bhuvan team of NRSC presented on “Bhuvan Geoplatform, with special emphasis on Water and Vegetation related applications” on 29-Apr-2020. He presented on salient features of Bhuvan Geo-platform covering the data visualization, data downloads, thematic services and various Bhuvan applications developed for central and state Ministries and Departments. He specifically explained applications related to water such as AIBP monitoring, near-real-time hydrological modeling products & services, Ganga, TWRIS, and IMD weather products. Applications related agriculture such as CHAMAN was also explained. At the end of the presentation, online demo of Bhuvan portal was shown for to the participants.
Webinar on “Remote Sensing Fundamentals” under NHP was delivered on, April 30, 2020 by Mr. T S Viswanadham. The following topics were covered in the webinar: What is remote sensing?, Brief history of remote sensing, process of remote sensing, EM radiation, spectrum and waves, atmospheric windows for remote sensing, interaction of EM radiation with earth surface features, remote sensing platforms, satellites and orbits, advantages and disadvantages of space borne remote sensing, what is a sensor?, operation mechanisms of remote sensors, four different resolutions of remote sensors, true colour and false colour composites, brief explanation about existing Indian remote sensing satellite sensor systems, visual image interpretation elements. Question and answers session was conducted followed by webinar.
All the above Webinars by NRSC were participated by around 100 participants from all over India, especially from the Implementing agencies (IAs) and it was encouraging to view good interaction from the participants showing that this work will be carried forward by the IAs.