- Rajasthan NHP received award of excellence in “Adopting New Age Technology” in water sector on 28th August, 2020 from Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary, DoWR, RD & GR, and Ministry of Jal Shakti. The event was virtually presented by Elets National Water Innovative Summit, 2020.
- Rajasthan organized an online course on Geophysical Investigation for Dam Safety was organised in collaboration with the training agency Aqua Foundation. The 3 months longcourse was completed on 13.09.2020. Fifteen officers of Water Resource Department of Rajasthan attended this online course. The course has introduced participants to various latest techniques of geophysical investigations, uses of these techniques for a particular problem. Various topics were covered in training like Introduction to Dam Geophysics, Electrical Resistivity Imaging & Streaming Potential, Seismic Refraction tomography and MASW, Seismic Tomography (L-Section & X-Section), Ground Penetrating Radar & Case Studies and Open House - Interactive Session. The course was highly relevant to those involved in dam safety and to understand the application of different techniques.
- As part of NHP’s “Water Resource Monitoring System” component, some reservoirs, canal and groundwater operation systems will be equipped with the remote control systems (SCADA) that will allow the control of gates and operation from a control room and, hence, allow system responses on a real time basis during floods or any other emergency. Rajasthan is also taking this opportunity by installing SCADA at various Dams and canals. Contract Agreement of SCADA system at Gudha Dam signed on 02.09.20 with the lowest responsive bidder. The period of completion of this contract would be of one year.
- Renovation work of State Data Centre at Jaipur is under progress. Design Centre room is completed and other works are under progress.
Andhra Pradesh GW
Considering the Teachers as the builders of the society, the state of Andhra Pradesh has taken up a novel concept of projecting Teachers as “Water Ambassadors” to disseminate the water resources information generated through National Hydrology Project to the future citizens of India i.e. student community. About 8000 teachers were called for a training and awareness program on Water Resources Conservation and Management. The teachers in turn have created awareness on Rainfall, Piezometers, Ground Water Level, and Water Conservation Methods etc. to the student community. The students in Takkellapadu Village school, Jaggaiahpet Mandal, Krishna District were sensitised and now they own up the piezometers. They record daily water level on menu board and a separate register under the guidance of water ambassador teacher.
Odisha issued LoA for its ADCP contract. This is the first contract being awarded by Odisha since inception of NHP.
The evaluation of Tender is under process for the activity “Supply andInstallation Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of RTDAS” for establishment of Real-time data acquisition System across the State of Assam which will be a revolutionary change in the field of Hydrometeorological data collection. Besides Officials from Assam has also been participating in training programs organized by various Water Resources Institutions under NHP which definitely has strengthened knowledge base and capability for effective planning and decision making in the department. In this pandemic period of Covid 19 officials from Assam are attending various virtual training programs imparted under NHP.
Video-Conference Room of Irrigation & Water Resources Department, Govt. of Mizoram was inaugurated by the Chief Engineer, IWRD on 23rd September, 2020. The room was constructed under the National Hydrology Project (NHP). It is equipped with video-conferencing facilities such as camera, speakers, display unit, acoustically treated wall panels and special lighting facilities etc.and can accommodate eight persons. It is located at Basement-1 of the Chief Engineer’s Office, at Aizawl.
Telangana State Ground Water Department is installing Digital Water LevelRecorders (DWLRs) (hydrostatic pressure type) with Telemetry System in existing piezometers (purpose built observation wells) in Telangana State as a part of 1st phase installation. The installation process and importance of Real Time Data Acquisition is also appraised to the public representatives such as District Administrators and water users who have attended the installation process.The real time data is being collected at 6hourly interval by the DWLRs and data transmitted to the Department’s server.
Figure 1 - Demonstration to Dist. Collector, Bhongir district, Telangana along with Dist. Ground Water Officer, GWD
Figure 2 - Demonstrations to Sri V. Prakash Rao, Chairman, Water Resources Development Chairman, Water Resources Development, Corporation, Telangana & Director, GWD were also present
Foundation stone for Water Knowledge Centre of Bihar (SW) was laid on 8th September, 2020 in Patna.
Purpose Driven Study
Installation of conductivity and water level loggers in newly developed Piezometers completed - Mewat PDS under NHP on 8th Sep 2020.