In the month of August 2021, Implementing Agencies have spent Rs. 17.64 Crore. Since its inception from FY 2016-17 until 31st August 2021, cumulative fund released is Rs. 703 Crore ...
Shri Rakesh Kashyap, SJC-I, Dr. Ashok Basistha, Hydrologist and Mr. Rajendra Mohan Bhardwaj, Water Quality Expert visited Irrigation Research Institute (IRI) Roorkee and National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) Roorkee during August 23-25,2021 ...
One-day training programme to field officers of Groundwater & Water Audit department at Vijayawada. ...
Target and achievement under major activities...
During the month of August, 2021, Implementing Agencies spent Rs. 17.64 Crore. Since its inception in FY 2016-17 until 31st August 2021, a total expenditure of Rs. 618 Crore has been ...
Agency wise status of the progress under Awarded, Installation and Commissioning of hydro-met stations for the month of August’21 ....
NIH had organized an online Training Workshop “Advanced Hydrology" during August 02-06, 2021 under the National Hydrology Project as part of the NHP training activities. This training workshop was planned for the NHP Implementing Agencies...