Celebrated "AZADI KA AMRUT MAHOTSAV", TSGWD organized an event on "Ground Water Development in Telangana-Challenges and Mitigations"
A Stakeholders workshop on “Groundwater Development in Telangana State challenges and mitigation” was conducted through virtual mode by GWD, Telangana on 28th July 2021. Officials from NPMU, TAMC, NIH, other NHP IAs, and Districts officials from GWD and various other institutes like NGRI, JNTU have participated in the workshop. Dr D Gnanasundar, Senior Joint Commissioner, NHP addressed the workshop and highlighted the role of NHP towards groundwater development and management in Telangana State. As a part of the workshop, Director, GWD presented a brief description of hydrological, hydrogeological conditions of the state, spatial and temporal distribution of water levels, water quality, and GW availability over the state. Impact of various prestigious irrigation schemes were taken up by Govt of Telangana like Kaleshwaram lift irrigation project, Mission Kakatiya, Mission Bhageeratha, Harithaharam lift irrigation projects on the improvement of water resources and its management was also highlighted. Also explained about the improvement of the GW monitoring network in the state, collection of Groundwater levels and various online data entry sheets and dashboards for validation and dissemination of GW monitored data to District and State administrators, line departments, organizations, institutes, and end-users, etc.
First Workshop on Basin Scale Reservoir Optimization for the Krishna and the Godavari Basins
A consultative Workshop was organised by NPMU, National Hydrology Project on 28th July 2021 discussing therein requirements and way forward for Basin Scale Reservoir Optimization for the Krishna and the Godavari Basins. Dr. Nesa made presentation in order to have stakeholder consultation and to display the potential of multi-step reservoir optimization techniques through virtual platform. The workshop was attended by diverse stake holders including Krishna Godavari Basin Organisation (KGBO) of the Central Water Commission, the Water Resources Departments of the Basin States - Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, and Union Territory of Puducherry.
Signing of MoU between NRSC and Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) for establishment of Field Instrumentation under NHP
On 24th July 2021, NRSC and PJTSAU signed MoU for the establishment of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers and Soil Moisture Probe Stations in the PJTSAU Campus. Dr. V Venkateswar Rao, Deputy Director, Remote Sensing Applications Area, NRSC and Dr. S Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, PJTSAU signed & exchanged MoU in the presence of Dr. Praveen Rao, Vice-Chancellor, PJTSAU. This would provide further collaborative research opportunities between NRSC and PJTSAU for crop water use/demand estimation and geospatial data-based water management solutions. Similar MoUs are also signed with nine (09) more agricultural institutions across the country for the establishment of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers and Soil Moisture Probe Stations under NHP.