• AutoCAD software

  • 15-Mar-2021 to 26-Mar-2021

  • Webinar/Online

  • In-house

  • Training

  • SW Resource Estimation

  • WRD Rajasthan


AutoCAD is a computer-aided tool that allows many different types of designers to create diverse kinds of drawings and designs. This program helps designers create their designs much more quickly than by hand and offers many quick, easy, and useful features, such as copy and paste.


AutoCAD can create any 2D drawing and 3D model or construction that can be drawn by hand. The program also allows the user to group or layer objects, keep objects in a database for future use, and manipulate properties of objects, such as size, shape, and location. AutoCAD has numerous applications in a wide range of fields. The program can be used for simple projects, such as graphs or presentations, or complex designs, like drawing up the architecture of a building.

Reference Material