STATE - Maharashtra GW NORTH EAST - Meghalaya CENTRAL - CWPRS



To improve the extent, quality, and accessibility of water resources information, decision support system for floods and basin level resource assessment/planning and to strengthen the capacity of targeted water resources professionals and management institutions in India.

This component will finance the establishment/modernization of new and existing hydromet monitoring systems including meteorology, streamflow, ground water, water quality and water storage measurements, and construction of hydro-informatics centers that capture both water resources and uses. This component will be implemented by states/UTs with the support....

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Component B will support the strengthening of national and sub-national water information centers with web-enabled WRISs through standardization of databases and products from various data sources/departments and make comprehensive, timely, and integrated water resources information available to decision makers for effective planning, decision making, and operations....

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This component will support the development of interactive analytical tools and decision support platform that would integrate database, models and scenario manager for hydrological flood forecasting, integrated reservoir operations, and water resources accounting for improved operation, planning, and management of both surface water and ground water, based on basin approach....

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Component D aims to build capacity for knowledge-based water resources management. It will support subcomponents in the establishment of (i) water resources knowledge centers, (ii) professional development, (iii) project management, and (iv) operational support.The project will develop partnerships with national and international institutes, establish communities of practice....

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